Postgraduate Certificate in International Law and Legal Practice

Postgraduate Certificate in International Law and Legal Practice


The International Law and Legal Practice Program is conducted jointly by EUCLID, also called Pôle Universitaire Euclide or Euclid University, as an international intergovernmental organization under United Nations Treaty Series 49006/49007, and the British Legal Centre. The Program aims to build a new generation of international law practitioners ready to serve the international community. At the end of the Program, successful students will receive: 1. Postgraduate Certificate (PGC) in International Law and Legal Practice from EUCLID in collaboration with the British Legal Centre in the UK. 2. Certificate of Admission as a Fellow of the School of Diplomacy and International Affairs at EUCLID for 5 years.


The Program is intended to enable legal professionals and fresh graduates to deepen their knowledge of international law and legal practice. The Program provides high-quality training by prominent international law scholars and practitioners on a broad range of core topics of international law.

 At the end of the Program, successful students will receive:

  1. Postgraduate Certificate (PGC) in International Law and Legal Practice from EUCLID University in collaboration with the British Legal Centre in the UK
  2. Certificate of Admission as a Fellow of the School of Diplomacy and International Affairs at EUCLID University for 5 years.


At the end of this course, participants will be able to deal effectively, competently, and confidently with legal issues relating to:

  • International Law and Treaty Law
  • International Environmental Law
  • International Litigation and Arbitration
  • International Intellectual Property
  • International Law of the Sea
  • Advanced Legal English for International Legal Practice

FACULTYProf. Ludovic Chan-Tung, PhD Professor in International Law, EUCLID and Grenoble-Alpes University (France) Prof. Asser Harb, PhD Professor in International Law and Arbitration, EUCLID Senior State Counsel (Egypt) Mr. Richard Brady, Chairman, British Legal Centre (United Kingdom)

For a fuller outline of the programme courses and other details, please click here.

For academic inquiries, please feel free to contact the Program Coordinator, Prof. Asser Harb, at: 
For other inquiries, please feel free to contact the British Legal Centre at: 

Course includes


1. INTERNATIONAL LAW AND TREATY LAW: This Course is designed for students interested in pursuing careers in international law, diplomacy, international organizations, government, and the legal profession. Through a blend of theoretical discussions, case studies, and practical exercises, this course equips students with the knowledge and analytical skills necessary to navigate the complexities of international legal frameworks and treaty negotiation processes effectively.

The Course comprises the following topics: Foundations of International Law, Sources of International Law, Treaty Law and Practice, Treaty Interpretation and Application, Multilateral Treaties and International Organizations, Treaty-Making Processes, Contemporary Issues in Treaty Law, Compliance, Enforcement, and Dispute Resolution

2. INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW This course explores the complex and dynamic field of International Environmental Law, focusing on the legal mechanisms and principles that govern the global environment. Students will engage with the foundational treaties, conventions, and legal frameworks that shape international environmental policy, including climate change agreements, biodiversity conservation, transboundary pollution, and the law of the sea.

The Course comprises the following topics: Foundational principles and sources of International Environmental Law, including customary international law and treaty law – Analysis of  key international environmental agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands – Examination of the role of international and national institutions in enforcing environmental law, including the International Court of Justice and domestic courts - Contemporary challenges in international environmental law, such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution, and the intersection with human rights – Development of critical thinking and legal analysis skills through the examination of case studies, recent legal developments, and hypothetical scenarios.

3. INTERNATIONAL LITIGATION AND ARBITRATION: This course equips students with the expertise required to engage in international dispute resolution as legal practitioners, arbitrators, or policymakers. Whether pursuing a career in international law, arbitration, or diplomatic service, this course prepares students to navigate the complex landscape of international litigation and arbitration with confidence and competence

The Course is comprised of the following topics: International Litigation - International Arbitration - Arbitral Proceedings - Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration - Multilateral Dispute Resolution.

4. INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: This course deals with how Intellectual property (IP) impacts businesses and industries as well as our everyday lives in many regards. It deals with how businesses and industries need and protect their inventions and brands, from motion pictures, computer programs, through to Bio/Life-sciences discoveries and medicines. The course covers all aspects of intellectual property law, such as patent law, trademark law, and copyright law. IP laws are national laws but intellectual property in general is international, so the course examines how an IP owner will be protected in foreign countries.

5. INTERNATIONAL LAW OF THE SEA: The course provides an overview of the foundational principles of the law of the sea; a critical overview of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; and an analysis of subsequent developments, including the many bilateral, regional, and global agreements that supplement the Convention. The law of the sea provides for the regulation, management, and governance of ocean spaces that cover over two-thirds of the Earth’s surface. The primary textbook takes as its focus the rules and institutions established by the Law of the Sea Convention and places the achievements of the Convention in both historical and contemporary contexts.

The Course is comprised of the following topics: The foundations and sources of the law of the sea - The nature and extent of the maritime zones - The delimitation of overlapping maritime boundaries - The place of archipelagic and other special states in the law of the sea - Navigational rights and freedoms - Marine resources and conservation issues - Marine environmental protection - Dispute settlement - Contemporary ocean issues that are not adequately addressed by the Convention.


To qualify for the Program, candidates must have a legal background and be fluent in English. (Applicants will be tested for their fluency in English and may need to complete the Advanced Legal English course with the British Legal Centre as a prerequisite for enrollment in the Program). The course is delivered by 40 live broadcast lessons of 45 minutes each, followed by written home-tasks. The lessons are recorded and can be viewed again for up to 12 months, for participants who may miss a live broadcast or wish to review the material. 

The course comprises speaking, listening, reading, and writing for all types of legal texts and situations, from meetings to court proceedings. The course will teach participants to overcome their legal English problems and expand their general legal skills and knowledge of essential contract and commercial law topics by dealing with the following 10 legal units (4 lessons in each unit):

Unit 1. Introduction to the English Legal System
Unit 2. Contract Law
Unit 3. Torts and Insurance Law
Unit 4. Business Structures
Unit 5. Company Law
Unit 6. Criminal Law
Unit 7. Property Law
Unit 8. Intellectual Property Law
Unit 9. Alternative Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Unit 10. International Commercial Transactions

Course prices

Course type Video lessons with a lawyer Homework Start of a new course* Course price


Live Broadcasts + Conversation

30 hours of online lessons for each course variety of written tasks depending on each course To be announced

$ 1300.00


Live Broadcasts + Conversation

 30 hours of online lessons for each course

 Registration fee **


10th April 2025

 $ 100.00


Kindly note that the Group lessons course will only take place if the minimum number of participants has been reached. The course schedule is subject to change.
** Please note that Payment for the registration fee by students in Egypt should be made using this link:
Participants resident outside Egypt should pay the registration fee using this link: